On the 4th of July

If you haven’t already, you MUST register to vote before the 18th June 2024. Click on the button below to ensure you are registered to vote in time!


“Labour have had a free ride in Hull for far too long, its time we tried something new” – Ahmet Cinalp

Follow Ahmet’s journey to the elections

This is a grassroots movement with the aim of giving the people of Hull North and Cottingham a voice. Reach out to Ahmet and the team via our social media channels Instagram and TikTok: @ahmet4hull

Latest Articles

Press Release: Ahmet Cinalp Stands up for Hull

Hull, UK — Ahmet Cinalp, a long-standing resident and active community member of Hull, is proud to announce his independent candidacy for the Hull North and Cottingham constituency in the upcoming general election on July 4, 2024.

Don’t waste your vote!

This is the most important election of our lifetime, Make sure you dont waste your vote. If you are not registered to vote, register here before the 18th June 2024

Ahmet’s promises to the people of Hull North & Cottingham

Never work in the interests of any corporates and put the people of Hull first

Listen to the people of Hull and vote in Parliament in line with the views our community

Hold Government to account on issues that affect Hull North & Cottingham