Ahmet Cinalp Announces Independent Candidacy for Hull North and Cottingham


Hull, UK — Ahmet Cinalp, a long-standing resident and active community member of Hull, is proud to announce his independent candidacy for the Hull North and Cottingham constituency in the upcoming general election on July 4, 2024.

For decades, Ahmet Cinalp has been a pillar of the Hull community, successfully running several local businesses and consistently supporting both local initiatives and international humanitarian efforts. Most notably, Ahmet played a significant role in raising funds for the relief efforts following the devastating earthquake in Turkey in 2023. As a dedicated family man and a passionate advocate for the city of Hull and its residents, Ahmet is deeply committed to ensuring that the voices of the community are effectively represented in Parliament.

Historically a staunch supporter of the Labour Party, Ahmet has grown increasingly disillusioned with the direction of the party under its current leadership. He feels that the party no longer reflects the values and concerns of the people he has long supported. His decision to stand as an independent candidate is a direct response to the feedback he has received from residents in Hull North and Cottingham, many of whom feel disconnected and unheard by their current MP, Diana Johnson.

“The overwhelming sentiment from my conversations with residents is that the current representation is out of touch with the community’s needs and concerns,” Ahmet stated. “It’s time for a change, and that change starts with electing representatives who are genuinely invested in their community and are not beholden to corporate interests or political parties.”

Ahmet’s campaign is built on the foundation of community engagement and genuine representation. He is calling on the people of Hull to ‘Vote for Change’ and to take a stand for a different and better future. Ahmet believes that by stepping forward and actively participating in politics, residents can reclaim their voice and power in the political process.

“I hope my candidacy will inspire others to engage in politics for the first time,” Ahmet added. “Many people feel disenfranchised by the current political system, but as someone who lives and works in this city every day, I am committed to making a difference. Together, we can create meaningful change for Hull North and Cottingham.”

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Ahmet Cinalp at media@ahmet4hull.co.uk

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**About Ahmet Cinalp:**

Ahmet Cinalp has been a resident of Hull for many decades, successfully managing several local businesses and playing an active role in community initiatives. He is particularly known for his fundraising efforts for international causes, such as the response to the 2023 earthquake in Turkey. Ahmet is a dedicated family man, as a husband and a father of 4. He cares deeply about Hull and its people, and he is committed to ensuring that the community’s needs are represented in Parliament.

For additional information, e-mail: media@ahmet4hull.co.uk

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