Ahmet’s Manifesto

Allow me to present my case for why you should cast your vote for me in the Hull North & Cottingham constituency. Your vote is vital for the future of our community. If elected, I will promise the following:

  1. Campaign to enhance NHS, Social Care, and Healthcare Services:
    As a taxpayer, you deserve an uncompromised, top-tier health services. I am dedicated to improving access to NHS and social care, ensuring timely and effective healthcare for everyone.
  2. Combat Austerity and Address the Cost of Living Crisis:
    I will champion a comprehensive restructuring of welfare benefits and address the escalating cost of living and the social housing crisis. In modern Britain, no one should go hungry or be homeless.
  3. Prioritise Domestic Investment Over International Conflicts:
    I will resolutely oppose UK involvement in unnecessary international wars. Instead, I will reinvest taxpayer money into strengthening public services and revitalising British industry, ensuring our resources benefit us most.
  4. Revolutionise Education and Childcare:
    I pledge to enhance education through accessible support, including universal pre-school childcare and free school meals for all children, providing every child with the best start in life.
  5. Ensure Safety and Security:
    Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour is a top priority. Our streets and homes must be safe havens for everyone in our community.
  6. Reduce Traffic Congestion:
    I please to use my influence as MP to pressure the local council and Department Of Transport to combat the unacceptable level of traffic in Hull post Covid.

Beyond these core commitments, I promise to:

Champion Environmental Sustainability:
Implementing green initiatives to protect our environment and promote sustainable living.

Support Local Businesses and Jobs:
Stimulating the local economy by providing support and incentives for small businesses and job creation.

Promote Inclusivity and Equality:
Ensuring every resident, regardless of background, has equal opportunities and feels represented.